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Flores rojas

About Us

Our mission is to share guayusa’s natural energy with the rest of the world and simultaneously contribute to the development of indigenous communities.

After several conversations with their Kichwa friends, Edison Carvajal and his wife Cristina Cupueran decided to take a leap of faith and start their own guayusa company.  They are now working closely together with indigenous communities to keep the ancient guayusa tradition alive and share its benefits with the rest of the world.

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Exports of Ecuadorian guayusa to India increase 117%.

Shipments to that country increased 117% through February 2022.

A market with great potential for Ecuadorian guayusa. India has become a major destination for local produce. Between January and February of this year, shipments of the product grew 117%, compared to the same period in 2021.

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Until recently, vanilla was a little-known plant in the Ecuadorian Amazon, but with very good opportunities in international markets. Experts have mentioned that it can be a great alternative to diversify crops and even to intercrop it with cocoa.

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