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Almost all its parts are used from the Annona muricata tree, but few people know about the uses and properties of the soursop leaf.

This leaf is used in many parts of the world to treat a wide range of illnesses. The most recognized are hypertension, headaches, parasites and asthma. However, the question arises if its effects are more anecdotal than scientific.

Nutritional properties of soursop leaf

Soursop leaves are dark green, shiny, large and oval-elliptical in shape. Like other leaves, it has values greater than 60% water. The rest of the solids are made up of proteins, insoluble fiber of the cellulose type, hemicellulose, and minerals, such as magnesium, iron, and copper.

In the Interciencia magazine they refer to the difference between fresh and dry soursop leaves. While the former contain 65% water, the dry ones barely reach 10%. This causes its nutrients to concentrate.

The proteins in the dry leaves are almost 15% and in the fresh ones 6%. Drying the leaves increases the proportion of minerals to 7% and fat to 3%.

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