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• Due to its magnesium content, it is also an antioxidant.
• Helps the production of hemoglobin.
• Provides a large amount of fiber.
• Helps the production of hemoglobin and the transport of iron due to its high copper content.


Broad bean flour (Vicia faba) is the fine powder or starch that is obtained by grinding the appropriate legume to be used for human consumption.


It is used as the main food product in the preparation of coladas, beverages, bakery products mixed with other flours.

Organoleptic Characteristics:

Appearance: granular, Colour: characteristic, Taste: characteristic. Characteristic smell. It must be free of any substance or body foreign to its nature, except duly authorized additives. It must be free of any toxic substance of its own or foreign to its nature. Broad bean flour must not come from raw material in a poor state of preservation. The trade of that flour of beans that have organoleptic characteristics different from the normal ones of the flour will not be allowed.

Commercial presentation:

Tocuyo sacks or paper bags will be used for the bulk sale of the product and first-use polyethylene bag for retail product. The containers must maintain the optimal conditions of the product during its handling, transport and distribution of the product.

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