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It is native to tropical countries. In Ecuador it is found naturally and in low abundance on uncultivated land, preferably fertile, and is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental.

As components it has been determined that triterpenes have been isolated from the branches of this plant. Sterols have been detected in the leaves, and non-alkaloid nitrogenous heterocyclic components in the petals. The root contains a polypeptide called trigonelline. The flowers contain flavonoid glycosides, also called phenylbenzopyrones or phenylchromones.

Another significant aspect of Mirabilis jalapa L. is that it has experimentally recognized medicinal properties such as digestive and laxative, and the use of flower juice has been reported to relieve earaches, cure herpes and remove freckles from the face.

However, most of the studies related to this plant have been directed to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic effects. References regarding its use in cutaneous melanosis are insufficient.

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